
Summer Fayre 2024

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported this year’s Summer Fayre on Saturday 29 June. We raised £393 in funds for St Peter’s church general funds.
Thank you, too, to Pat and Robin Ball for hosting the post-Summer-Fayre BBQ on Sunday 30 June which was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended and raised a further sum.


to all who supported the Christian Aid Week at St Peter’s. Including Gift Aid, the Big Brekkie on Saturday 18 May raised £97.22 and the service collection on Sunday 19 May raised £53.38.

Farewell to ARK Eastleigh!

During the past few years we have been privileged to host, and support the work of, ARK Eastleigh in our creche room at St Peter’s. ARK Eastleigh is a registered charity set up by Churches Together in Eastleigh to serve the vulnerable and excluded in our community through practical acts of kindness, befriending, and informal advocacy. The Trustees have taken the difficult decision to close the charity after many years of valuable service and mission in our community – you can read more about this on their website ARK Eastleigh. We thank God for ARK Eastleigh, their trustees, and staff (Julie Sisley) and volunteers, and pray that the vulnerable and excluded in our community will be blessed by God in new ways going forward.

We have appointed our new Church Administrator!

We are delighted to announce that following our interviews earlier this month Mrs Lauren Woodmore has been appointed as our new Church Administrator. Lauren will start her employment with us on Monday 27 November, working on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.